- The Linux advantage: Why Linux is the best OS - Editorial
- List of Distributions - CD distributors of Linux distributions.
- Red Hat Linux Installation - Upgrade, Configuration, Pitfalls, Basic Administration and related links.
- Linux System Administration - configuration, monitoring and setting up Linux
- Debian Package Management - dpkg, apt-get for Debian and Ubuntu based Linux distributions
- Red Hat Package Management - rpm, yum for Red Hat, CentOS, Suse based Linux distributions
- Linux Network Configuration and administration
- Linux Virtualization KVM - Generating guest VMs to run on a host Linux system using KVM
- Recovery and Boot Disk - Boot using GRUB/Lilo on a floppy as well as recovery disks.
- The Linux boot (init) process - How process are started during the system boot sequence. Configuration and management.
- UNIX for DOS shell / MS-Windows CMD users - A command comparison between the DOS shell and Unix/Linux
- Unix/Linux for IBM Mainframers - A command and environment comparison between MVS/TSO and Unix/Linux
- Administration of Linux Groups - Understanding and managing groups for file and device access
- Adding an extra hard drive to your system
- Changing your Kernel RPM - Upgrading the kernel RPM tutorial
- Linux Optimization and Kernel Compiles
- Linux Training, Education and Certification - List
- Configuring Mozilla / Firefox / SeaMonkey and its plug-ins
- File/Mime Types and Linux Applications
- GNOME Desktop Basics
- Configure for remote GUI access (XDMCP/GDM/XDM)
- Dual Monitors - Using dual headed graphics cards and X
- Using DOS floppies - Read and write Microsoft DOS floppies under Linux.
- Integrating your Linux desktop workstation into the corporate MS/Windows network and infrastructure
- DOS/Windows Software on Linux - DOSemu, WINE, x86 virtual machines and Windows emulators
- Using VNC to export an MS/Windows desktop to display on the Linux Desktop
- Linux Fonts and Links
- Configuring PPP (ISP dial up)
- Connecting to AOL - Connect using PengAOL, retrieve AOL mail.
- Connecting to Compuserve - Connect using PPP.
- Scanners and Linux - Installation and set-up.
- Linux Text Editors - Text, structured text and programming IDEs
- Commercial Software Applications - Lists and Links
- Digital Imaging, Photo Editing, Graphics Design and Spherical Panoramic Photography Applications
- Linux Office suites - List and comparisons
- Burning a CD or DVD (audio, video and data) - Front ends, command line ripping/burning and links
- MP3 Playing, ripping, encoding and tagging of MP3 audio files on Linux - for use with PC desktop or portable MP3 players
- Linux Video - Video, DVD, TV/FM radio, GnomeMeeting videoconferenceing, MythTV DVR, video capture, Configuration, Links and info
- Linux Video Editors - GUI and command line
- OpenShot Video Editor - Tips and best practices
- GIS - Geospatial Information Systems:
- Virtual Globes
- Map Servers
- MapServer - installation, configuration and use
- GIS Databases (PostGIS/PostgreSQL)
- Using Linux and iptables / ipchains to set up an internet gateway / firewall / router for home or office.
- DHCP: Configuring a DHCP server
- NIS: Configuring NIS clients and server
- Web site configuration - Setting up DNS, Apache and secure FTP access.
How to set up multiple domains on one system with virtual hosts.
- Apache logon authentication and web site protection - Add a login to your web site. Authenticate using a password file, NIS, LDAP or MySQL.
- Redirect a web page or web site/domain request to the proper web site/domain
- Apache HTTPS Encryption Configuration - one IP address with multiple virtual host website domains
- Web server benchmarking - performance and load testing
- Administering File System Quotas - Limit a user's ability to hog the system
- File Transfer:
- rsync - Data mirror for back-up/restore or mobile device synchronization
- Openssh sftp chroot configuration - Configuring a chrooted secure shell FTP server
- VsFTP Configuration - File Transfer Protocol
- WU-FTP Configuration - File Transfer Protocol
- Internet Security:
- Linux Security Configuration - Linux Internet Security. Protect yourself against hackers, monitor and thwart their attacks.
- Linux Security Tools
- Delta of woot-project attack and exploit: Description, Analysis and system repair
- Search:
- Review of Search Engine Technology
- htDig website search - Add search capability to your site.
- WAIS search engine
- Web Photo Gallery software: Photo Album Software list, Installation and configuration of "myPhotoGalley"
- PhpBB Forum software installation and configuration
- LDAP server installation, configuration and use - Set up an e-mail address directory server which interacts with your e-mail client.
- OpenLdap 2.x - SLAPD and LDIF configuration
- OpenLdap 1.2 - SLAPD and LDIF configuration
- Client Login Authentication using LDAP - Linux, MS/Windows 2000/pGina, SGI/IRIX, Solaris
- LDAP bind authentication and user passwords - Adding password protection for LDAP data access.
- OpenLdap 1.2 Group security example - SLAPD and LDIF configuration
- Create a new custom object by extending the inetOrgPerson schema
- Extending default OpenLDAP inetOrgPerson schema to better support MS/Outlook and Netscape Communicator Address Book Features
- LDAP admin support scripts and code snippets
- OpenLDAP C programming SDK Man Pages, RFC's and Links
- Using an LDAP directory wtih EMail clients - client configuration
- aWebDap - A simple, flexible web front end supporting multiple domains designed for the non-technical user. My favorite, but hey, I wrote it!!
- aWebDap tutorial - aWebDap information, downloads, installation and configuration.
- Linux Databases Lists and Links
- MySQL and Linux - Installation, configuration, use and administration.
- PostgreSQL and Linux - Installation, configuration, use and administration.
- Database GUI Admin tools:
- MySQL Workbench - Admin tool for the MySQL database (design and admin)
- SQL Workbench/J - Supports many databases (admin) (Java GUI)
- Learn XHTML in two minutes - The Look and Learn XHTML tutorial.
- Learn HTML in two minutes - The Look and Learn HTML tutorial.
- HTML and Javascript Web Tricks - HTML, Javascript, e-mail
- Web Display of Panoramic Photos - JQuery plugins and Javascript libraries for the display of panoramic and spherical panoramic images
- Internet Advertising - a web publisher's guide
- Setting up a web page counter for display on the web page
- Scripting Languages, CGI Server Side Scripting Tools - PERL, PHP, Python, Ruby, back-end facilities for the dynamic creation, publishing and management of web content.
- Dynamic Content: Also see Java Tomcat and WebSphere application servers (below).
Internet mail is broken down into three basic parts:
- Linux eMail Servers - Mail Transfer Agents (MTA) - Linux mail servers, links, info
- Mail Retrieval Software - dovecot pop3, imap, etc - Configuration/Links/Info
- Mail User Agent (MUA): E-Mail client - Thunderbird, MUTT, etc - Links/Info
Mailman email list software installation, configuration and use.
- Software Development - Tools, info and links.
- GDB cheat sheet and command summary - GNU debugger
- Software Productization: Software Architecture and design for "Productization" - how to avoid forked code.
- Editors:
- Linux Text Editors - Text, structured text and programming IDEs
- VI / VIM - Advanced editing - tutorial, tips and tricks
- X-Emacs - Editing C++ code - Use, settings, code beautification
- JAVA on Linux
- Java Log4j2 logging
- Java JUnit tests
- Create and deploy Java WAR files
- Java XML Beans - parsing XML
- Java XML JAXB - parsing XML
- Java Singleton Design Pattern
- Java JPA - Java ORM database persistence API (Hibernate)
- Apache Tomcat: Java, Java Servlets, JSP, Apache 2.x and PostgreSQL or MySQL
- Maven configuration and use
- Maven repository configuration
- C++ Coding standards, styles and practices - dOxygen, Hungarian notation, best practices, ...
- Tips and Best Practices for Microsoft Visual C++ users (So they don't make ugly files and mess up your project.)
- Test:
- GoogleTest - C++ Unit test framework
- CppUnit - C++ Unit test framework
- Data Types:
- Use of structures and unions in C++ - Use of a constructor with a structure.
- C / C++ Enumerations
- ANSI/GNU C++ string class examples and tutorial
- C++ Templates - template functions, template classes and template inheritance
- C++ STL (Standard Template Library) - vector, list (example for Linked Lists)
- Boost ptr_list vs STL list of pointers - examples and comparison.
- STL MAP and multiMAP container class example - associative storage of key-value pairs.
- Memory:
- C / C++ Dynamic Memory Allocation - malloc/free, new/delete
- C/C++ Memory Corruption And Memory Leaks - Pitfalls
- Endian byte order - Big vs Little endian byte order and byte order conversion
- Patterns:
- Frameworks and API:
- CORBA, OmniORB, C++ and remote services (client/server request)
- Log4cxx C++ logging API
- Database:
- MySQL C programming API
- PostgreSQL C programming API (libpq)
- SQLite and C/C++ - Embedded database - Command line interface and C/C++ API.
- Programming web server CGI programs with C++ and the GNU CgiCC library
- GNOME GTK+ Programming Tips and Tricks - Using the GTK+ cross platform GUI API to build an interactive application.
- Threads:
- POSIX Threads - make your code run faster and more scalable.
- GNOME GDK Threads (g_threads) - Cross platform threads API.
- XML:
- XML DOM Parsing with Xerces-C:
- XmlBeansxx: XML to to C++ object. C++ auto code generation from XSD schema.
- XML and parsing XML with Gnome libXML2
- C/C++ Libraries:
- Libraries (shared objects): static, shared and dynamically loadable
- Fork, Exec and Process Control
- Sockets programming
- Signal Handling - C signal handling callbacks and C++ signal handling class
- Mixing C/C++ and FORTRAN language subroutines
- GIT:
- Git command summary, use and examples
- Git Server Configuration source code CM - ssh or smart http git server installation and configuration.
- Gitweb Configuration - GIT web browsing front-end
- Git and Trac Server source code CM - installation and integration.
- Subversion:
- Subversion command summary use and scripts
- RabbitVCS: integrated SVN client for the Gnome Nautilus file browser
- Subversion Server And Trac Server Installation and Integration
(Wiki formatting) - Subversion repository transfer using svndumpfilter
- Subversion command summary use and scripts
- IBM/Rational Clearcase:
- Subversion vs Clearcase comparison - Editorial
- CVS source code control - Track and manage a set of files and their revisions. Depricated. Use Subversion.
- RCS source code control - Track and manage individual files and their revisions.
- Trac Plugins
- Trac-Agile plugin: Agilo - installation and use
(build servers)
- Jenkins: distributed continuous or nightly build system - For use with Git, Subversion, CVS or Clearcase
- Jenkins plugins and configuration for Java software
- Jenkins plugins and configuration for C++ software
- Cabie: distributed continuous or nightly build system - For use with Subversion, CVS or Perforce
- Linux Seminars Shows Exhibitions and Conferences - List
- Using IRC chat to get Linux help and information - A quick start guide.
- Hardware:
- PC Hardware: Building a Linux computer - Components guide - Hardware links and information
- SCSI and Linux
- Linux Filesystems, Clustered Filesystems and High Performance Computing Clusters
- Open Source Drones
- Public Domain Music
- List of search portals and specialty search and information web sites